What’s Really In Pet Food

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After reading this, many people will no longer find it funny or cute when a child tastes their pet’s dry pebbles.  Pictures on the can or bag of your cat or doggies food leads you to believe that they are eating steak, a nice cut of salmon or plump chicken breast that has been processed beautifully and mixed with healthy grains for your hairy loved one.  Well, in reality, your pets are being fed meat by-products (the stuff that doesn’t make it to your grocery store, or into your hot dogs (that contain human DNA))such as:

  •  bones
  • blood
  • brain tissue
  • hair
  • hoof
  • hide trimmings
  • other products that are not labeled for human consumption–including expired meat from your local grocery store.

Ummmm, can we say YUCK?  Now how much do you love your pet?  Please don’t be mislead by the pretty packaging of a well groomed puppy sitting in front of a lean cut of steak.  In reality they are eating the trimmings that couldn’t make it to your plate.  You pet would be better off eating the scraps of your own plate, literally.  Well, that is, if you’re eating a healthy, plant based diet.  DSC_0202

I don’t have anything else to say regarding this.  There are studies out there stating that a vegan diet is completely healthy for your pets, you can google them.  I think it’s best to just pay attention to the labels and ingredients and NOT fall victim to the pretty pictures and taglines on the front of the bags to catch your attention.  You pet deserves more than corn and rice mixed with MSG, hair and brain tissue don’t they?


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About Jeanette 137 Articles
This is me being me so that you will be you. I'm a woman who smiles till my cheeks ache, crochets until my fingers twitch, hugs the hell out of my Hubby and children and in between these things I make the time to read, cook, write and attempt to inspire others to do something to improve their overall health.