Law of Attraction for Kids: WANT

nebula-space-Terry Standefer astro-photo-astronomy-sky-1420873The law of attraction is pretty common knowledge now: you get what you give, karma, the universe will work in your favor, living in a state of gratitude, and so on.  Now what if we knew all of this knowledge and power within if we were only five years old?  Can you even begin to imagine where you would be today?  I decided it was important to teach my children now at an early age to take responsibility for their lives, and to understand that they have the power to construct what they want and to walk in gratitude.  Starting with the death of the phrase– I WANT.

We as children learn from birth to state what we “want” and when we come of toddler age and are excited over our newfound confidence and mind that we have to make up, we start to demand what we want to our parents and guardians.  We learn that to get what is desired in life, we must either demand or ask for what we want or need, and leave it in the hands of the person who is receiving the request.  This is dangerous being that children are persistent and diligent and will continue to make their demands, until they are met, or all hell will break loose.  How many times have frustrated adults said to children “I/we/the world/nobody cares what you want!” in a desperate attempt to stop this little person.  So what lesson has been learned from this?  A child has learned that not only are their desires not going to be met by this person even though they have only done what has been taught (say what you want), but also that their desires do not matter to others.

I learned this one day with my four year old who was more persistent than normal and was making a silly demand very late at night.  I felt myself ready to burst with anger, frustration in our miscommunication and was was really about to go hulk on him.  I then decided to take a deep breath, and release a valuable lesson to my child.  This is what I told him:

“What you want is important to you, but other people may not hold the same value.  You continuing to use the word ‘want’ is only sending a message to the universe that you are in a state of lack, and desperate need.  You are only going to attract more of this in your life.  You will never get what you ‘want’ by focusing on demanding you wants”

His mouth wrinkled up into the biggest pout i have ever seen, and his brow was as wrinkled as an old sun burned man, and he stomped away.  He needed to digest mama’s mouthful.  He came back several times and screamed “I want!” and I stopped responding.  Finally he approached me, puzzled and ready to figure this out.  I told him:

“Let’s start using better words, because you are better than this.  Say ‘I would like…’ and see how you feel.”

I kid you not, when he said those words, his frown disappeared and he immediately approached this situation more level headed and calm.  Why?  Because there is power in our words, energy behind them.  He was no longer vibrating on the frequency of greed, driven by an obsessive desire, or frustration that his needs weren’t being met.  He was no longer vibrating on solipsism, thinking that this world literally revolved around only himself.

In order to say “I would like” he was forced to engage with another person, and practice the law of exchange.  He also started walking in gratitude because for me to grant his request, he knew that it was because Mommy heard him, and went out of her way to help him get what he would like.  It was a valuable lesson on the law of attraction and inter-dependency.  We are not islands, but toddler and children unfortunately learn this the hard way, all thanks to something as small as using the one statement they are taught to use “I want.”.

I hope this helps someone out there who has little representations of the future (children).  Help them unlearn “want” now before it’s too late and they think that no one cares or values them and their desires.


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About Jeanette 137 Articles
This is me being me so that you will be you. I'm a woman who smiles till my cheeks ache, crochets until my fingers twitch, hugs the hell out of my Hubby and children and in between these things I make the time to read, cook, write and attempt to inspire others to do something to improve their overall health.


  1. I knew these 21 days would be filled with gems! I love this!! Like Kelley said, some adults (like myself) needed this too. I never thought of how “I want” connected to lack. To want for is to be in need and if you’re in need, you lack something. Mind=Blown!! Your kids are very lucky to have such an awesome mama!!

      • You know?!! And this is why it’s important that you keep writing and keep sharing and we’ll do the same and I believe eventually it’ll be normal for people, specially kids, to know the power they have and how to use it for the good of the world and our current state of being and thinking will be the rare cases.

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