Vegan Cookie Recipe: Gluten Free, Sugar Free

 These cookies are super easy to prepare and different variations are all over the internet.  This recipe I used today was a variation from the original one I found here.  The original recipe has shredded carrots in the recipe, which I don’t recommend for my own reason, one of them mainly being that if you’re making them for a toddler they might not like it.  These cookies don’t yield your average sweet tooth tickling baked good, but they go great with a mug of hot chocolate or tea.  These also serve as a great breakfast cookie.  Here it is!


  • 2 Cups of Oatmeal
  • 2-3 Ripe bananas
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsp nut butter ( I used tahini and almond)
  • 1/2 cup mix of raisins and chocolate chips (or more if you’re looking for a treat)
  • I tbsp ground chia seeds

Side note: Oatmeal is naturally gluten free, but some brands are cross contaminated with gluten due to farming and processing.  If you suffer from a gluten intolerance, you want to look for oats that are labeled “gluten free” 🙂

 How I made them:

Preheat the oven to 350 F.  Mash the ripe bananas in a big bowl, and add the applesauce, nut butter and vanilla.  Mix well.  Add ground chia seeds, oatmeal and remaining goodies and mix well.  Drop big spoonfuls on a cookie sheet and flatten out into a cookie shape (these don’t spread in the oven).  Bake for 15 min.

sunburst- Billy Alexander 1151526
How I feel when baking vegan cookies: Warm and Fuzzy! Alexander 

The baking times probably vary depending on how strong your oven is, or what types of oats you use.  I used the big whole oats and I like my cookies cooked well.  A few of them I actually baked for 18 minutes.  From my experience vegan cookies do better when you cook them longer. Have you ever tried one of those simple no egg, no flour, no sugar cookies before?  How did they come out?  Leave the recipe below if you tried one that turned out well, or let me know if these came out good.  Mine were okay, I think next time, I’ll use all peanut butter.  In half the batch I added walnuts and those came out better, much better.  What is it about walnuts in a cookie?

Follow for more tips, recipes and veggie madness 🙂

About Jeanette 137 Articles
This is me being me so that you will be you. I'm a woman who smiles till my cheeks ache, crochets until my fingers twitch, hugs the hell out of my Hubby and children and in between these things I make the time to read, cook, write and attempt to inspire others to do something to improve their overall health.

1 Comment

  1. So your plan was to have us all baking incessantly this month huh? I’ve sort of fallen out of love with eating oats and now I have a whole tub of oats I’m not willing to eat so I guess I’ll be making cookies!! Also, finally managed to get the cupcakes right and they are DELICIOUS!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

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  1. Foolproof 5 Ingredient Irresistible Vegan Cookies…okay 6 – Divine Veggie Mama

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