Ascorbic Acid Versus Vitamin C

Don’t you love those vitamin C gummies, chewable tablets, or the fizzy drink mixes?  They’re pretty yummy and pack your body full of at least 1,000 mg of vitamin C for collagen building, immunity defense and so on…right?  Depending on how you look at it, we could be wrong.  There is some research out there that I came across that enlightened me a little bit and encouraged me to keep on pressing my fresh oranges.

Vitamin C in it’s whole state, and live, is not only better absorbed, but better effective than ascorbic acid.  The reason why is because ascorbic acid isn’t Vitamin C–it’s a PART of vitamin C.  So ladies, imagine buying a bra that promises the best cleavage you ever had, with only one cup of underwire–do you think it’s really going to work?  No, it’s going to give you lopsided chi-chis and beautiful cleavage on one side.  You see how stupid that metaphor was?  That’s how stupid I felt when I learned about ascorbic acid.

I’m not saying that it won’t work, it does in a way, but it is no where near as powerful as vitamin C in it’s truest form, live.  There’s a lot of other information I wanted to add, but I think I need to drop the mic and not attempt to slander ascorbic acid.  ascorbic is not evil, it’s a part of vitamin C, just not really enough to truly build collagen, fight wrinkles, help with cell development and of course, help your immune system.  IMG_0055[1]

So save yourself some money from buying all of those laboratory created concoctions with potentially empty promises and instead be kinder to not only your body (some studies show that ascorbic acid taken long term may lead to heart problems-yikes!), be kinder to your wallet as well.  Instead of spending $15 on a supplement, just buy $4 worth of actual oranges and press away.  Absorb 90% of all that live Vitamin C as opposed to 10%.

Vitamins are not individual molecular compounds. Vitamins are biological complexes. They are multi-step biochemical interactions whose action is dependent upon a number of variables within the biological terrain. Vitamin activity only takes place when all conditions are met within that environment, and when all co-factors and components of the entire vitamin complex are present and working together. Vitamin activity is even more than the sum of all those parts; it also involves timing.

Vitamins cannot be isolated from their complexes and still perform their specific life functions within the cells. When isolated into artificial commercial forms, like ascorbic acid, these purified synthetics act as drugs in the body. They are no longer vitamins, and to call them such is inaccurate.


Let’s save our money and obey the natural laws of nature–Mother nature is perfect, no need to change her wheel 🙂 Start by purchasing a tiny, affordable citrus juicer. What a tiny investment–yet, with a HUGE payback.

Black & Decker CJ625 30-Watt 34-Ounce Citrus Juicer, White



About Jeanette 137 Articles
This is me being me so that you will be you. I'm a woman who smiles till my cheeks ache, crochets until my fingers twitch, hugs the hell out of my Hubby and children and in between these things I make the time to read, cook, write and attempt to inspire others to do something to improve their overall health.