What NOT to do on New Years Day!

So you had a great time kissing your dearest toad at the stroke of midnight, ate your 12 grapes, said your wishes and made your resolutions I’m guessing. Well, it’s officially the first of the 365 day countdown to where you have another blank state and do it all over again. What to do today? Should you start a new hobby? Clean every dish in the house? Start a new meal plan? I don’t know to tell you the truth, but I will tell you what you shouldn’t do today based on my ‘superstitions’ of course:


Don’t wash any laundry. This will reflect in you washing away someone from your life. So if you don’t want to experience losing someone this year, you may want to hold off on scrubbing your undies.


No sweeping good luck out of your house. If you followed direction for new years eve, then you made a bunch of loud noise and left some doors open so those bad energies can leave. Well, don’t be so quick to dismiss all the good that just came in a few hours ago.

FullSizeRender(10)These superstitions are considered an irrational thought process regarding the supernatural. This definition may be true to some, but you don’t have to believe in something for it to be real. Superstitions all have an origin, from a simpler time where people were more connected to the Earth and beyond. I would advise that even if you don’t want to necessarily believe it, don’t double dog dare it to not be true. These not-to-dos have some pretty big consequences, and remember there is no such thing as chance.

Anyway, it looks like what you SHOULD do today is take it easy. Take control of this new year and let it know that you’re the captain of this ship and you steer it in your own direction. Don’t be so quick to jump into a resolution, weight loss goal, or some other resolution–just relax. Show this new year that you plan on enjoying your life and appreciating time, be reveling in it.

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About Jeanette 137 Articles
This is me being me so that you will be you. I'm a woman who smiles till my cheeks ache, crochets until my fingers twitch, hugs the hell out of my Hubby and children and in between these things I make the time to read, cook, write and attempt to inspire others to do something to improve their overall health.

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