Vegan Flax Belgian Waffles

My sons love waffles because of their super shapes.  They especially love big Belgian waffles, because they are huge like the incredible hulk (ah boys).  So here is how I sometimes make my vegan version.  This recipe yields about two and a half of the big Belgian waffles and (honesty alert) has a “vegan” texture I think due to the flax binding, yet they are still light and crispy if you cook them long enough.  They keep pretty well in the fridge for leftovers the following morning.  Pop them in the toaster oven with some *butter and they are great. Enjoy!


  • 1 1/4 cup milk of choice
  • 1 cup oat flour
  • 1/4 cup regular flour
  • 1 tbsp. Ground Flaxseeds
  • 3 tbsp. water
  • 1 tbsp. sugar
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 2 tsps.. baking powder
  • Pinch of salt (1/8-1/4 tsp)
  • 1 tsps. vanilla extract
  •  3/4 cup of thawed frozen blueberries

    How I make these bad boys:

  • Blend/stir together ground flaxseeds and water in a small, separate bowl.  Set aside.
  • Combine flours, baking powder, sugar, pinch of salt *Dry stuff*DSC00577
  • Mix your milk, vanilla and oil together
  • Now mix your wet and dry togetherDSC00580
  • Add your flax ‘egg’DSC00582
  • Add your blueberriesDSC00581
  • Mix until big lumps disappear, now let it rest while your waffle iron heats upDSC00585
  • Add roughly 3/4 – 1 cup of batter and cook for 3-5 minutesDSC00587
4 Min was better
Don’t they look yummy though?

Time to Enjoy!

I know, why bother making my waffles vegan?  Why the heck not?  Almond milk tastes better, without all the fat, hormones and cholesterol of cows milk.  The flaxseed mix binds just as good as the egg without the cholesterol but also adds omega fatty acid goodness.  Using olive oil or coconut oil is using real oil with real health benefits, vice some chemical concoction like canola.  Don’t you think you deserve a healthier version of something you enjoy eating?  Why choose the version that is just going to fill your stomach, but not nourish your body and cells?

Now excuse me as my boys and I devour our super-shape waffles 🙂

About Jeanette 137 Articles
This is me being me so that you will be you. I'm a woman who smiles till my cheeks ache, crochets until my fingers twitch, hugs the hell out of my Hubby and children and in between these things I make the time to read, cook, write and attempt to inspire others to do something to improve their overall health.