The Drupe Diaries 3: Strawberry-Plum-ade

WP_20150723_003Oh what a glorious day today is!  I poured libations out to all of my plants with some smoothie water this morning, and this afternoon my son ran in with a plum yelling “Mommy! Mommy!  Look, it’s ready, I found it on the grass! Come on Mommy!”.  He channeled his inner Abuelo (he has a huge green thumb) and started grabbing at the lush, purple drupe fruit.  A fairly large spider was trying to get in the bowl, which made my son chuckle.  I think it also reminded him that he was in nature, enjoying nature, and learning about picking fruit.

Our youngest, however, was focused on the strawberries.  While big brother was up in the little tree, the younger guy focused on the ripe, ruby red power fruit below.  He reminded both, Stephan and I that strawberries deserve some juice lovin’ too.  Here is why:

Strawberries contain:WP_20150622_019

  • Vitamin C–actually more vitamin C than the famous Orange.  Shocking, I know, close your mouth.
  • Folate (Vitamin B9)–the REAL, naturally occurring form of what many know as folic acid.
  • Vitamin K–necessary for healthy blood clotting and regulates calcium levels in the blood.
  • Potassium–aids in overall proper body functions.  This mineral is also great for us ladies when it comes to menstrual cramping.
  • Cancer fighting antioxidants and so many more benefits (more wonders of the strawberry here).

The Juice:

  • 1/2 to 1 cup of fresh strawberries (preferably organic since it’s a juice)
  • Little over a pound of plums (half a kilo maybe)

    WP_20150723_009 2
    what beautiful color too!

We juiced these two heavenly fruits together and enjoyed the sweet, fresh aroma from the juicer.  The plums were still pretty tart, so I diluted it and drizzled a little agave to tame the tart bite at the end, and to get more water involved.  This thirst quenching, cancer preventing elixir was so delicious, even Big Daddy like it!  We ended the day with smiles, satisfied tummies and nourished cells.

WP_20150723_012 1I realized again today, how blessed I am to be able to provide my children with fresh fruits and vegetables.  This is something so special that every child deserves, NATURE and NUTRIENTS.  Obeying the laws of nature, by loving on plants, picking ripe fruit and drinking the medicinal juices that nourish our bodies and cells within minutes.

About Jeanette 137 Articles
This is me being me so that you will be you. I'm a woman who smiles till my cheeks ache, crochets until my fingers twitch, hugs the hell out of my Hubby and children and in between these things I make the time to read, cook, write and attempt to inspire others to do something to improve their overall health.