Eating the Sebi Way–Hard?

There is a nutritional guide out there that is beyond vegetarian, beyond vegan and beyond anti-GMO.  This guide is all about promoting alkalinity in the body, through your diet.  What’s in this guide is what you should eat, and ANYTHING that isn’t listed–well…  This way of eating is all about feeding your body foods that will compliment it, and not harm it by raising the acidity, which invites disease.  I have seen and felt the difference using this guide to direct my diet from day to day.  Sometimes I follow it exactly, others I deviate.  This is one day in which I followed it pretty hard.  Want to see what I ate?  It’s all delicious, I promise–here it is!


_EAC3968 (2)Breakfast:

Delicious green juice made up of: chayote, kale, cucumber, green apple and lime.  This is a simple, thirst quenching drink that really wakes you up first thing in the morning.  I love drinking a green juice as my breakfast chased with some water.  It’s a direct shot of nutrition that goes straight into my bloodstream since my body doesn’t have to work hard to digest it.

FullSizeRender(3)Later breakfast–or  early lunch: IDK

Two pieces of spelt toast topped with avocado, tomato and dressed with olive oil and Himalayan salt.  I’m a spelt bread sista that is pretty much obsessed with this ancient grain.  This is my go to breakfast when I am looking for a savory and satisfying quick little meal.  Along with the toast I had a full cup of very ripe mango tossed with lime and cilantro.  It’s a great, sweet and hydrating compliment to the toast.


Another slice of spelt bread (told ya I was a Spelt-sista) topped with nut butter and blueberry preserves.  Now at first I had a bite of tahini butter, then changed my mind and made it with walnut/almond butter.  Walnuts are Sebi approved, but almonds no longer are.  So, you caught me slipping here.

Late Lunch:

Quinoa cooked in a delicious veggie broth alongside roasted zucchini and red pepper.  I enjoyed this dish seasoned with thyme, sage, coriander and cayenne pepper.  I added the remaining ripe avocado from breakfast to add some fat and drizzled some olive oil and a dash of salt to kick up the flavor.  It was great.


Strawberry-chocolate sorbet garnished with walnuts and dark chocolate.  This is my version of nice cream–that vegan stuff made out of bananas.  I am not a fan of bananas and have yet to fall in love with the weird sweetness of churned, frozen bananas. Instead of frozen bananas, I dropped a couple cups of frozen strawberries in my vitamix with vanilla, coconut sugar, sea moss, chocolate and agave.  It was soooo good!  It was also really rich too.  My boys enjoyed a few bites, but tapped out after their super-taste buds couldn’t handle anymore of this berry-good dish.  More for mommy!  And yes, I did say coconut sugar AND agave–I’m indecisive with a sweet tooth.

So following this nutritional guide is not impossible, nor void of taste, fat or pleasure.  I had a very satisfying day full of savory, sweets and high frequency nutrition, all while maintaining an alkaline environment within my body.  Documenting this day made me realize that I don’t eat that much, and that’s something I am working on.  Getting enough calories and nutrition in daily is important.  What good is it to just focus on alkalinity if I’m starving my body at the same time, or lacking important nutrients?  I’m working on it– #mommystruggles

If you’re a little intrigued by this guide you can check it out HERE.

Be sure to follow for more recipes, tips and veggie madness!

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About Jeanette 137 Articles
This is me being me so that you will be you. I'm a woman who smiles till my cheeks ache, crochets until my fingers twitch, hugs the hell out of my Hubby and children and in between these things I make the time to read, cook, write and attempt to inspire others to do something to improve their overall health.


  1. BLESS THIS POST! Hello, I am slowly educating myself on the alkaline way of living. I am aware of Dr. Sebis list but no clue as to how to prepare them. You, however, made my day with this post. I am so going to try this out. You saved a life, lol.

    • WOW! Thank you so much I appreciate your words so so much! We both know how challenging this lifestyle can be, but I just take it one day at a time 🙂 I have a video about his nutritional guide and the info I received on it from contacting his office. check it out if you’re interested here:

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