Dr Sebi Uterine Wash


OK, so I have a confession, well two actually: 1. I douche and am proud of it; 2. I think I’m an old soul, cause isn’t this a thing of the past?  A thing that our past generations and elder warrior princesses did as a means to wash away odor, and the possibility of pregnancy?  I don’t know the answer of either of those questions, but I do know that I love using this herbal wash from Dr. Sebi.

It restores the natural flora in your vaginal area by steeping the herbs in boiling water, and washing your lady parts with it after it’s been cooled and strained.  Ever since I have started using this, I have noticed a difference in vaginal odor, wetness and all around awesome balance.  She feels clean and content and ready to take on the world!

Douching is practically shunned nowadays in the medical field, with doctors preaching “your vagina can clean itself,” or with “you’ll have an imbalance of good/bad bacteria” and some other claims, which have been true for some–when using these chemical concoctions promising to smell like a summer breeze!  these studies don’t say anything about using the natural herbs from the earth that are alkaline and complimenting to our bodies naturally.  I take the medical advice with a grain of salt, because they are not in the business of preventative care–no money in that.  They will be the first ones to welcome you with open arms to the OR to do your pre-op for your recommended hysterectomy won’t they?  But they are the last ones to suggest to try an herb to prevent one.  Enough of that.

She may be able to clean herself, by good gracious doesn’t she deserve a spa treatment from time to time?  She goes through a lot.

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About Jeanette 137 Articles
This is me being me so that you will be you. I'm a woman who smiles till my cheeks ache, crochets until my fingers twitch, hugs the hell out of my Hubby and children and in between these things I make the time to read, cook, write and attempt to inspire others to do something to improve their overall health.


  1. She definitely deserves a spa treatment!! I’m going to get into yoni steaming for the coming year, still not very keen on washes of any kind but steam sounds harmless enough right? lol.

    • Ooh steaming I have yet to hear about or experience until now. I’ve heard of the yoni eggs and using them, but never steaming! Oh goodness, you started something over here lol

      • This the season of sharing is it not? Yoni steaming and yoni eggs have been on my mind all year and I’m gonna go for them in this coming one. I don’t know if you’ve heard of Nerissa Irving (she’s amazing!) but on her store she has these herbal beads… They’re little balls filled with herbs wrapped in a cotton mesh cloth that go up there and they’re supposed to help nourish and heal the yoni and they even break down fibroids so they can be released (there is discharge involved with this). Can’t really attest for their efficiency but they’re definitely something to look into too!

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